How many households will there be?

We don't want any more than 20 households.  Each household can purchase an acre.  You can build or use your land however you please.


Will I have my own kitchen and bathroom?

You are free to build whatever you want on your acre, however, you will also share in the common house and grounds.


If I buy an acre now and decide to sell, how does that work?

You are free to sell it whenever you want. at fair market value, however, the corporation would like the right of refusal.   We want to keep our circle small and everyone may not understand how co-housing works.


What about safety and security?

Because you will know each of your neighbors,  you will know when there's a stranger around.  We will operate on an If I have it, you have it type system.  


Who owns the Land?

As with any condominium association,  the land is owned on pro-rata basis by each homeowner.    There will be fees associated with upkeep of the landscaping and the common areas.  Each owner will have input on the HOA policies, so this is YOUR HOA.